About Us

IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, ITS Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland, the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport, LERO (The Irish Software Research Centre) and Insight (The Irish Data Analytics Research Centre) established a Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (‘CAV’) steering group to explore the business opportunities of this technology for Ireland.

The purpose of the CAV Forum is to serve as a central platform to bring together stakeholders from
across industry, academia & research, transport authorities and support agencies to discuss the topic of connected and autonomous vehicles and help build a CAV value proposition for Ireland that can:

  • Be used to market Ireland as a location for CAV for foreign direct investment; and
  • Assist Irish entities working in the CAV sphere to market their services abroad.

A key objective of delivering a CAV Value Proposition is to identify Ireland’s current CAV products and services, and develop a shared vision of how best to position Ireland to capture potential opportunities, thereby leading to new investment, employment creation and growth of Irish exports.